Children’s Health
Children often respond very well to chiropractic care. Many injuries and symptoms that we experience as adults begin when we are in childhood through both falls, collisions and accidents and as a result of the overuse of computers and tablets.
A vital, dynamic childhood supported by good nutrition and mental and physical stimulation has a profound effect on the health and wellbeing of a growing child and results in a vastly better experience in adulthood and throughout life. Those who have poor nutrition or inadequate physical, emotional or mental stimulation when developing have a much greater challenge in reaching their full potential as adults.
Chiropractic care is famous for pain relief in children. It can help with postural repair and can help the growing body to adapt and heal from injuries that arise from daily life such as falls and accidents.
At the heart of chiropractic care is the understanding that good function can only occur if the structure works well and develops properly. Periods of sitting, tablet use, computer games and poor diet all have all shown to change the physical structure of developing children. Chiropractic care can help in reversing and preventing some of these changes.
Safe and Gentle
At Inspired Chiropractic we have several comfortable, gentle, low force techniques that we utilise to help correct posture and function. Having served the public for over 20 years we have helped hundreds of children achieve healing and find a resolution to pain.
Individual Care
Parents often tell us that they are not understood when consulting healthcare practitioners in matters relating to their child’s health. Each person is unique and different and so we need to examine and assess each baby and child to understand how their body is functioning poorly. This, together with information parents provide, helps us to find a solution for their child.
Parents often consult us to help find resolution to some of the following problems.
Birth Trauma
We encourage parents to have their newborn checked as soon after birth as possible. Each birth is unique and may have been different from how you desired. Some children are born easily whilst others can suffer considerably from prolonged labour, difficult birth positions and cranial pressure. In the weeks following birth children develop and grow rapidly and it is essential that this development is as unhindered as possible.
Cranial Faults
Cranial chiropractic is reported to have helped a large number of newborn babies and infants. Whilst the scientific studies do not show improvement in one specific area, thousands of parents report that it was vital in helping find a solution to health problems and development difficulties.
Colic, Bedwetting & Ear Infections
Are commonly reported as having been helped by parents whose children suffer.
ADHD, Asthma & Growing Pains
Other conditions such as ADHD, asthma and growing pains are high on the list for reasons parents consult chiropractors to help with their children. Whilst there are no scientific studies that indicate benefit, many parents report individual benefits and have found chiropractic a helpful component in the overall approach to these conditions.
Many parents who are concerned about scoliosis consult a chiropractor to try and reduce the effect or progression of this process. The cause and reasons for scoliosis remain a mystery but it is clear that providing the best posture and spinal function can only be beneficial to this condition.
Post Surgical Care
Many parents consult chiropractors to support their child’s post-surgical care to ensure that the child has every benefit possible from the surgery and to help minimise complications.
Preventative Care
By taking a preventative approach to your child’s health care through chiropractic, your child may enjoy better health. The advantage of bringing your baby or child in to be checked is that any structural or neurological issues can be detected before they advance.
What to do if you have questions
We are always happy to discuss how chiropractic care may help you. Do not hesitate to contact us on 01603 764777 where our highly trained team will be happy to assist you. Alternatively please email at or telephone 01603 764777 to make an appointment. Take a moment to look at our Google Reviews.